Discover Your Assignment On Earth Learn to Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Join The #1 Online Discipleship Program & Spiritual Community Today!
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Join Today!What if you could get discipled in understanding how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit in your every day life?
All believers have access to the Holy Spirit, but many don't even realize what this means!
The power of the Holy Spirit is unstoppable and unshakeable. When we partner with God and allow his spirit to move through us, nothing is impossible.
This is available for all believers in Jesus, not just those who are on a stage or have huge influence.
In Firebrand Global University, go on a journey with us and learn how to step into your God-given potential!
Are you ready to truly operate in your spiritual gifts with confidence knowing God is backing you?
God is calling you to impact the world around you and this can only happen when we understand what it means to operate in the Holy Spirit.
Join Firebrand Global University Today!
Join Firebrand Global University Today!

As Seen On Sid Roth's "IT'S SUPERNATURAL"
It’s been our honor to activate, train and equip tens of thousands of people around the world to walk out a life of power! As we’ve taken input and looked at the things that people ask for the most - one thing stands out. The request to learn about Spiritual Warfare, Prayer that causes instant change and the Supernatural have been the main topics.

Power Packed Anointed Schools
$497 Value

Deliverance Schools
$497 Value

Unlocking Your Assignment
$497 Value

Heavens War Strategy
$497 Value

You Shall Prosper!
$497 Value

Over 70 hrs. of Supernatural Impartation!
$497 Value

Prophetic Worship

Prophetic Updates As They Happen!

Prophetic Activations

Bonus Guests And Broadcasts

Teaching & Discipleship

Over 30 hrs. Of Mentorship For Women
$497 Value

Prophetic Worship and Warfare
$27 Value

Unlocking The Supernatural "Sid Roth It's Supernatural"
$47 Value
Desiring to hear God and understand the prophetic realm? Want to understand how to walk our your Seer ability? Look no further. This school is for you! I am now able to function in hearing God clearly while interpreting visions and dreams accurately that I receive.- Alex
Joshua's extensive depth on the things of the spirit is beyond anything I have seen in this generation. His practical, biblical applications of his walk in the Lord and what he has taught me has transformed my life! I know my calling, I have no fear and I walk in power demonstrating my gifts! - Michelle
I am beyond words. Never have I been able to discern who I am in the Lord or what I was called too. I was given step by step instructions in this school whereby the Lord revealed it to me in multiple visitations!! My confidence and boldness is through the roof! - Shaneka
Joshua and Dee Giles are the true representation of a real Apostolic and Prophetic mantle in operation! Their training will elevate you beyond anything you can imagine! -Brenda
This is the most extensive anointed discipleship training I have ever experienced! - James
Never in my life have I felt the presence and power of God so strong on someone since I was at Brownsville revival. They are truly marked by God! - Lacey
This is the most extensive anointed discipleship training I have ever experienced! - James
Joshua and Dee Giles are the true representation of a real Apostolic and Prophetic mantle in operation! Their training will elevate you beyond anything you can imagine! -Brenda
Never in my life have I felt the presence and power of God so strong on someone since I was at Brownsville revival. They are truly marked by God! - Lacey

Joshua is the Founder of Firebrand Global, an Apostolic and Prophetic voice to the nations, author, entrepreneur and a business consultant.
He is known around the world for operating in Spiritual Warfare and The Supernatural! Joshua operates in the sphere of business through consulting for his ability to produce supernatural results with God given strategies and marketing procedures that have produced Millions of Dollars in returns for his clients.
In the natural he is known as a Celebrity Trainer and Professional Sports Specialist to Major League Baseball, NFL and NBA. God has granted him favor with Millionaires and Billionaires alike. He owned the number 1 Private Training Studio on the Island of Palm Beach, FL down the street from the President of the USA.

ββDee is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur, and a prophetic worshiper.
She is passionate about empowering women all over the world to discover their purpose by helping them identify and overcome obstacles that block them from reaching their full potential.
For over 15 years Dee has helped equip and activate over 10,000 women around the world for life, business and ministry.
Dee will prophetically call out the best that God has placed within you so that you can walk out a purposeful lifestyle.

- Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Schools
- School of Your Assignment
- How to prosper in the last days
- Prophetic Unlocking
- Access to our schools of supernatural ministry
- Over 70 hours of power packed activations, teachings and the prophetic
- World Prophetic Updates as they happen
- 30 hours of content discipling women to live a life of purpose!
- 21 day prayer devotional
- The Esther assignment e-course
- Spiritual Warfare 101- 5 hours of power!
- Hearing the voice of God e-book
- Supernatural Favor and Divine appointments e-course
- Unlocking The Supernatural
- Walking a life of power in the spirit fulfilling what God called you too